Safety is a shared responsibility, it takes the effort of everyone in a workplace to be involved. Weekly themes –…
Today is International Women’s Day. Let’s Talk. Whilst not a new issue, over the past few weeks we have heard…
Australia is emerging from the strange haze of lockdown restrictions following the Federal Government’s Three Step Framework. In Queensland we are in Stage One…
Workplace Health and Safety QLD has just released approval for Simpatico Safety Training to run interactive, online Health and Safety Representative…
In 2017 the QLD Work Health and Safety Laws were revised to introduce stronger legal protections for workers by introducing criminal penalties under the new “Industrial manslaughter” laws. These laws…
On Friday, a newsletter was released by the Electrical Safety Office regarding the current issues facing electrical licence holders in…
A lot of Australian workers have suddenly found themselves needing to work from home. Thankfully, if this is the case, that…
The last few days have seen the Federal and State Government announce new social distancing rules, and many businesses have…
Over the past couple of weeks, health and safety precautions have been put in place at Simpatico Safety Training Cleveland…
The Office of Industrial Relations (OIR) has tightened legislative requirements relating to Rehabilitation and Return to Work Coordinators (RRTWC). This…