WHSQ has reinstated the WHSO (Work Health and Safety Officer).
On 23 October 2017, the Queensland Parliament passed amendments to the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, including introducing the ability for a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) to appoint a WHSO for that business or undertaking. A person can only be appointed as a WHSO if they hold a WHSO certificate of authority. The appointment of a WHSO is permissible as evidence that a PCBU has taken action to mitigate health and safety risks.
Simpatico Safety was one of the first RTOs to be granted approval in November 2018 to deliver the official WHSO course.
The WHSO training course consists of a 5-day core session, plus a 1, 2, or 3-day elective session depending on the industry sector (services, industrial, or construction). A rural sector elective is to be released in the future.
Our next WHSO core session is to be held on 4-8 March 2019. Contact us for bookings or enquiries.
View the WHSO course flyer.
Link to WHSO information on WHSQ website