Safety is a shared responsibility, it takes the effort of everyone in a workplace to be involved.
Weekly themes – click on the links below to find resources for each topic.
Week 1: Working together to manage risks at work.
Week 2: Working together to protect workers’ mental health.
Week 3: Working together to support all workers.
Week 4: Working together to ensure a safe and healthy workplace.
In Queensland, there were 33,832 serious workers’ compensation claims in the 2022/2023 financial year. Of these, 26,526 claims were for injuries and 7,306 claims were for diseases and conditions. Most of the serious claims – defined as compensated for five days or more, occurred in the 35–54 year age group.
Safety requires consultation and collaboration between all people within a workplace; the PCBU (i.e. employer), workers, contractors and any other suitable entities, such as unions and subject matter experts. It is important that legislation updates are reviewed so that your workplace is following the latest knowledge and meeting compliance.
This is good for everyone, it ensures a safe work environment, with good teamwork and collaboration leading to what we are all after – a safer workplace.